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Church History


Six scores and 18 years ago, an idea was born in the heart of a great soldier. The soldier, Tom Houghton, was inspired and directed by the Holy Spirit to move forward in establishing a meeting house for the Lord.


The following Gospel Carriers assembled on the Third Sunday, May 1878 for the purpose of laying the foundation for organizing a church: Rev. A Martin, Rev. C Thommeal, Rev. E. Thommeal, Rev. F. Dawson, Brother Tom Houghton and Brother Aaron Youngblood. However, it was not until four years later, May 1881 that this church was established.


Along with Brother Tom Houghton, were other soldiers none of whom were from Pike County:

            Brother & Sister Tom Houghton, Bruceville

            Brother & Sister Ruben Berry, Low Field Baptist Church

            Sister Ann Still, Post Oak Baptist Church

            Brother Ned Debose, Perote Baptist Church


At the time of organizing this church, Brother Aaron Youngblood suggested that the newly organized church, this body of believers in Christ, be named the “Bethel Missionary Baptist Church.” Bethel mean hollowed place, for if you remember, it was a Bethel where Jacob saw the Lord.


In earlier years, worship services were held under a Bush-Arbor, and later, a dwelling house was purchased on Bush Street for the purpose of carrying on church services.


Later, this very spot of ground (where the present church is) was purchased and a wooden structure was constructed. In 1912, a tornado blew down the wooden structure. While the church was deciding on what action was to be taken, St. Paul A.M.E. Church opened their doors to us for worship services. In 1913, this present-day structure was built.


We have had 14 pastors to serve at this church. These are the pastors in order as they have served.

  • Rev. A. Martin

  • Rev. Willie Mullins

  • Rev. J. H. Jordan

  • Rev. C. A. Clayton

  • Rev. W. M. Meadows

  • Rev. Days

  • Rev. I. Ervin

  • Rev. R. B. Ford

  • Rev. Scott

  • Rev. Gamble

  • Rev. Toney

  • Rev. E. M. Lowery

  • Rev. Dr. L. C. McMillian

  • Rev. James D. Oliver (Since 2013)

We thank the Lord for the great leadership we have had in Pastors, Officers and the Faithful Saints who have gone on to be with the Lord, for they laid the foundation – Let us never forget. We salute them for their sincere loyalty, faithfulness, prayers and work that they have made in the name of our Lord, that we celebrate this day, “IT IS A BLESSING”.


Let us therefore, be about out Father’s business with heart for any fate: STILL ACHIEVING, STILL TRUSTING, and STILL PURSUING, learning to labor and to wait, for the battle is not yet over; the end will come after a while, and the victory shall be ours.


Pastor James Darren Oliver was born in Tuskegee, Alabama on February 26, 1969 to his loving, devoted mother, Mrs. Jean Oliver who had a dynamic impact on Pastor Oliver’s life. She fiercely instilled in him to, “Always put your faith and trust in God.” Pastor Oliver was the eighth child born and the bay of the family.


Pastor Oliver is a 1987 graduate of Tallassee High School. He later attended Samford University and Alabama Bible College.


Pastor Oliver has been in the ministry for over twenty years. He knew many years ago that he had been called to do his most important task: to preach God’s word, helping save souls for Christ. There was no doubt when God confirmed it in his spirit. Pastor Oliver delivered his first sermon at Mt. Zion in Tallassee. He later went to pastor for the first time at Mt. Zion #3 in Eclectic, Alabama, where he remained faithful for five and a half years. It was around that time, that he felt God telling him there would be a change coming. After fervent prayers, God opened the doors of Bethel Missionary Baptist Church in Troy, Alabama. The word of God was passed from the late Rev. Dr. L. C. McMillian to Pastor Oliver as God passed leadership from Moses to Joshua to lead his people. Pastor Oliver’s prayers were answered when he received the invitation to pastor at Bethel and he knows without a shadow of a doubt that God placed him there with a divine purpose. Pastor Oliver is forever grateful for the teaching, training, and spiritual guidance of Pastor John Jackson, Pastor Johnny Green and his own pastor, Pastor John Curry Jr., who in his opinion is the greatest pastor in the world. 


Although Pastor Oliver is a father figure to the youth at Bethel, he has four children of his own, Darren, Keilon, Morgan and Jalen. Pastor Oliver’s favorite scripture is Proverbs 3:5-7.


There is no secret his favorite team is The University of Alabama’s Crimson Tide. He claims that, “All we do is WIN, WIN, WIN!”


In his free time, Pastor Oliver enjoys being on the river fishing, shooting hoops, singing, or cooking. A person trademark of Pastor Oliver is his keen sense of style and looking most debonair as he brings the word of God. Even though he likes to look good, laugh and enjoy life with his loveable sense of humor, his greatest accomplishment in life will be to know the souls he has preached to are born again and saved through Jesus Christ.


He is most grateful to God for being chosen and entrusted with such a consequential responsibility as leading other s to salvation.




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